Your age: You have to be at least 14 to join us!
- I am 15yo
Steamname: We need it to contact you!
- Steam Name: Caesar, you can find me if you search for this group: Gotenkrieger (WFaS-Clan) ... otherwise you will find more than 500 Ceasar´s :D (But Emilio still added me)
Ingame name: What is your ingame name?
- This time I always play as "Rebell" ... well I played with this name since I owned Warband, so ... I didn´t copy it from the Clan tag
Clan history: Have you been in clans before? If so please tell us!
- I dont have a big/good overthiew in Warband, but I still was in Malta and have Clan experience in WFaS
Ts/Headset: You need both to join our clan!
- Yes, I have both and both is pretty good :) I wont interrupt playing with a bad headset etc.
About you: Is there anything we need to know about you?
- I prefer to play WFaS, cause this is the game I am pretty good, I also prefer playing as melee in Warband cause this is what I trained. I hope you will test me soon, so I hopefully can join :)
MfG Caesar (besides I am german :D)