our age: You have to be at least 14 to join us! (Missed this, my bad!) I am 16. I have now created an official forum account, sorry for the inconvenience, it was caused by this verification process by Hotmail.
Steamname: We need it to contact you! Vulpest
Ingame name: What is your ingame name? Vulpest
Clan history: Have you been in clans before? If so please tell us! Unfortunately not.
Ts/Headset: You need both to join our clan! I have both! And a very good headset at that :)
About you: Is there anything we need to know about you? Not particularly, I am very active even though I have my GCSE's, I have this small routine that I play clan matches on Fridays and go out on Saturdays but if there is matches in the week which I've been told about, I can do my work early in the evening before it so my parents let me go on. I preferably would like the matches in late evening but thats not up to me! :P :)